Feldman Chevrolet of Lansing

Feb 14, 2022
What Transmission You Ought To Pick In A Car?

Purchasing your first vehicle can be an overwhelming experience, from the model search to the negotiations. However, that is pretty standard procedure compared to when you factor in beyond the manual & auto transmissions to include more vehicle transmission variants.

If you are scouring for a new vehicle to suit a particular purpose, you may have to look beyond speed, mileage, and sleekness and dive into the crazy world of unique transmissions. Feldman Chevrolet of Lansing, the choicest dealership in town, is going to give you a brief on transmission selection per profiling!

The Urban Dweller

If you are into college, reside in an urban locale, or commute downtown to your job, you are better suited to an automatic transmission. They are economical, efficient, and easy to manage in heavy traffic, and they afford you a wide degree of control and convenience. And, there is no clutch or constant shifting of gears to bother about.

The Motor Enthusiast

Collectors & speedsters have a special connection with vintage manual & contemporary muscle cars with variable transmissions. Still, there is something organically charming about a manual car & driving dexterity that no other transmission can match.

However, dual-clutch transmissions are complex systems utilized in performance cars, so you have that going well for you.

The Career Professional

While all automatic & automated transmissions offer a smooth transition between gear speeds & a level driving experience, if you need sultry & sleek drive, then a continuous variable transmission should be on your list.

You can make do with an automatic, but a CVT has a nearly infinite gear range, so you have a seamless acceleration. You can even opt for a semi-auto if you need an added boost to your drives.

The Off-Road Aficionado

While we’re not talking UTVs, if you need a vehicle that can traverse rough terrain like crumbly ranch roads or cover long distances, you better check into 4×4 or all-wheel drive (AWD) transmissions. The 4×4 allows equal power to all the wheels, while the AWD is a variant of semi-auto where different differentials can intelligently engage all wheels at different speeds. The feature comes in handy as a traction drive & safety feature.

The Heavy Operator

If you are looking into a vehicle with a lot of torque, you are probably looking into heavy equipment or something like a class 6 truck & above. Freight vehicles are usually equipped with auto-manual transmissions. Though we do not deal in heavy equipment, this info will come in handy!

The Eco-Friendlies

if you desire a minimal impact on the environment, you can just browse our virtual store to get the best electric transmission in the Chevy Bolt. Electric transmissions come in single & dual speeds, but they pack in a lot of power & acceleration with zero emissions.

We would love for you to reach out and tell us what profile suits your needs best. At Feldman Chevrolet of Lansing, serving Muskegon, MI, we offer the proud All-American make of new Chevrolet, & used & CPO vehicles. You can quickly prequalify with us for a purchase or a lease, and we will help you appraise your vehicle for a trade-in.

Call us today for more details on the best deals in town on your desired transmission vehicles!