Feldman Chevrolet of Lansing

Brake Service East Lansing, MI


  Brake Service near East Lansing, MI

East Lansing, MI Chevy Brakes

Ingham County roads put your car through four full seasons of weather extremes. That means you need the best possible braking system to handle constantly changing driving conditions. The certified and highly experienced technicians at Feldman Chevrolet of Lansing can do a full braking system service on any make or model vehicle. We have a great supply of genuine OEM parts, plus parts from top-brand aftermarket suppliers. That gives you lots of options on pricing, without losing quality. We will fix your brakes and ensure your car stops as well as possible.

  Schedule Service

Chevrolet Service Department


Maintain Brake Pads and Rotors

You always need to maintain your brake pads and rotors to get optimal performance and ensure safe driving. Brake pads are designed to wear out over time so that they do not damage your rotors. You need to inspect your brake pads and replace them before they wear out and leave you with the metal backing scraping up your brake rotors. Our technicians will inspect and replace your brake pads as needed, and ensure your calipers are working fine. We also check your brake rotors to ensure they have plenty of metal and a good, smooth surface for the pads to grip and bring you to a controlled stop.

Don’t Ignore Brake Fluid

A lot of drivers forget their brakes need good, clean fluid to work right. With Michigan weather throwing rain, sleet, and snow at your wheels all year long, your brake fluid gathers up a lot of moisture and other contaminants. We bleed your brake lines and get rid of the bad stuff to keep your brake calipers working as well as new. We also check and replace your brake fluid when needed. That usually happens at least once every two years for preventive maintenance. If you have ignored your fluid for longer than that, you likely need brake fluid replacement to improve your braking power.

 Service Department

Schedule Braking System Service Today

No matter what you drive, you can schedule your braking system service by calling us today. We offer Chevrolet brake services near East Lansing, MI, and work on other models to ensure the best braking power. We have a great customer waiting area with free Wi-Fi, satellite TV, snacks, and coffee and water to keep you comfortable. The service takes about an hour to do and will give you the kind of braking power you had when the car was new. We also have a free shuttle service that helps you get around Lansing, East Lansing, and other parts of Ingham County, while we give you the best brakes possible.


Monday 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday 7:00AM - 5:30PM
Wednesday 7:00AM - 5:30PM
Thursday 7:00AM - 5:30PM
Friday 7:00AM - 5:30PM
Saturday 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Sunday Closed

Complimentary Dealership Amenities

  • Complete Vehicle Detailing – We will return your vehicle in better condition with our complimentary interior/exterior vehicle detailing.
  • Rental/Loaner – Rental vehicles available on-site and free loaners available. Call for details.
  • Lifetime Guarantee – Limited lifetime warranty on paint and workmanship.
  • Pickup and Delivery – Free pickup and delivery, call for details.
Tire Center
Service Center
Kids Play area and Vending Machines
Service Bay

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