Feldman Chevrolet of Lansing

Dec 29, 2021
Tire Guide - 5 Tire Care Tips You Must Follow

Tires are one of the most important components of your car. They are responsible for keeping your vehicle balanced and safe and bring it to a stop quickly if needed. Tires also dictate how much gas mileage you’ll get out of your car.

How do you keep them performing at their best? Read on to learn five tire care tips that will help keep your tires at their optimum performance level so they can last longer and perform better.

1) Don’t Neglect the Air Pressure

Keep your tires properly inflated, as underinflated tires can result in decreased fuel efficiency and premature wear. Please consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual or the sidewall of your tire for the recommended air pressure, and be sure to check it regularly.

You can find a tire pressure gauge at most gas stations. If possible, keep an air compressor in your trunk in case you need to add air while on the road.

2) Check Tire Tread Carefully

Check your tires for damage or uneven wear. If you notice any issues, consult with a mechanic to determine the best course of action. Damaged tires should always be replaced immediately to ensure safety and optimal gas mileage.

You can check the depth of your tread with a penny. Place a penny upside down into the tread of your tire. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, your tread is too shallow and needs to be replaced. If you don’t take it seriously, you could end up with a blown tire and on the side of the road.

3) Ensure the Tires are Properly Aligned

When your car is “out of alignment,” it means the wheels are not pointing in the same direction. This can cause various problems, including uneven tread wear, steering wheel vibration, and pulling to one side or the other.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, take your car in for an alignment check right away. It’s important to have your tires aligned because misaligned tires can wear down faster and even cause accidents. Misaligned tires can also reduce your fuel economy, so it’s important to get them fixed as soon as possible.

4) Don’t Forget to Rotate the Tires

It’s important to rotate your tires every few thousand miles to distribute the wear evenly. Rotating your tires helps them last longer and prevents uneven tread wear. Many dealership service centers will do a free rotation when you get your oil changed, so be sure to take advantage of that.

5) Consider Your Driving Habits

Your driving habits play a role in how long your tires last. If you drive on gravel roads or through potholes, that will wear down your tires more quickly than if you stick to paved roads. If you frequently go at high speeds, that can also wear down your tires more quickly. So if you can, try to avoid those things to help your tires last longer.

We know tires are important to your vehicle’s safety and functionality. That is why we offer many tire services, including tire rotation and balance checks, at our tire center. If you have any questions about these or other tire care tips, please schedule an appointment with our dealership tire center at Feldman Chevrolet of Lansing, serving St. Johns, MI, and our experts will be happy to assist you.